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class LevelReference

The main interface for interacting with the level the player is currently in.

Class Methods

void RegisterHeroPartyEvent (const EHeroPartyEvent _EventType, TOnHeroPartyEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sTargetName, const uint8 _Faction)
register an event concerning the hero party
void RegisterInventoryEvent (const EInventoryEvent _EventType, TOnInventoryEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sTargetName, const uint8 _Faction)
register an event concerning the hero party's inventory
void RegisterCreatureEventByDescription (const ECreatureEvent _EventType, TOnCreatureEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sDescriptionName, const uint8 _Faction)
register creature event by description name
void RegisterCreatureEventByIndividual (const ECreatureEvent _EventType, TOnCreatureEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sCreatureName, const string&in _sParam)
register creature event by individual creature name (e.g. name of the creature placed in the level editor OR unique hero name)
void RegisterCreatureEventByIndividuals (const ECreatureEvent _EventType, TOnCreatureEvent@ _pFunction, const Creature[]&in _Creatures, const bool _bAnyCreature = false, const string&in _sParam = "")
register creature event by individual creature(s)
void RegisterBuildingEventByDescription (const EBuildingEvent _EventType, TOnBuildingEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sDescriptionName, const uint8 _Faction)
register building event by description name
void RegisterBuildingEventByIndividual (const EBuildingEvent _EventType, TOnBuildingEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sBuildingName)
register building event by individual building name (i.e. name of the building in the level editor)
void RegisterSectorEvent (const ESectorEvent _EventType, TOnSectorEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sSectorName)
register a sector event. if _sSectorName is specified and not empty, the event will be fired only for the given sector, otherwise it will be fired for all sectors.
void RegisterUIEvent (const EUIEvent _EventType, TOnUIEvent@ _pFunction, const uint8 _Faction)
register an event to be called when a certain event happens in the ui of the given faction's player
void RegisterUIEventByDescription (const EUIEvent _EventType, TOnUIEntityEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sDescriptionName, const uint8 _Faction)
register an event to be called when a certain event happens in the ui of the given faction's player
void RegisterUIEventByIndividual (const EUIEvent _EventType, TOnUIEntityEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sTargetName, const uint8 _Faction)
register an event to be called when a certain event happens in the ui of the given faction's player
World@ GetWorld ()
get world
Random@ GetRandom ()
get the random number generator
HeroParty@ GetHeroParty (const uint8 _uFaction)
get the hero party for the given faction
Sector@ GetSectorByName (const string&in _sName)
get sector script class by name
Sector@ GetSectorByIndex (const uint _uIndex)
get sector script class by index
Building GetBuildingByName (const string&in _sName)
get building by name
Building GetBuildingById (const uint _uId)
get building by id
Creature GetCreatureByName (const string&in _sName)
get creature by name
Creature GetCreatureById (const uint _uId)
get creature by id
LogicObject GetLogicObjectByName (const string&in _sName)
get logic object by name
LogicObject GetLogicObjectById (const uint _uId)
get logic object by id
ResourceDeposit GetResourceDepositByName (const string&in _sName)
get resource deposit by name
ResourceDeposit GetResourceDepositById (const uint _uId)
get resource deposit by id
Entity GetEntityById (const uint _uId)
get any entity (creature, building, etc.) by its id
Entity[]@ GetEntitiesByName (const string&in _sName)
get any entities with the given name. will return at most one entity of each type, as names must be unique within each entity type.
Building[]@ FindBuildingsByDescription (const uint8 _uFaction, const string&in _sDescriptionName)
find all buildings with the given description currently owned by the given faction.
Building[]@ FindBuildingsByType (const uint8 _uFaction, const EBuildingType _Type)
find all buildings of the given type currently owned by the given faction.
Creature[]@ FindCreaturesByDescription (const uint8 _uFaction, const string&in _sDescriptionName)
find all creatures with the given description currently owned by the given faction.
Creature[]@ FindCreaturesByType (const uint8 _uFaction, const ECreatureType _Type)
find all creatures of the given type currently owned by the given faction.
Creature[]@ GetCreaturesFromSpawn (const string&in _sSpawnName)
get all creatures spawned by the given spawn (does not include dead creatures!)
void TransferFactionAssets (const uint8 _SourceFaction, const uint8 _DestinationFaction)
transfer ownership of all buildings and units of _uSourceFaction to _uDestFaction
void DestroyFactionAssets (const uint8 _Faction)
destroy or kill all buildings and creatures belonging to the given faction
void DamageFactionAssets (const uint8 _Faction)
apply damage to all buildings and creatures belonging to the given faction
void SetFactionRelation (const uint8 _FactionA, const uint8 _FactionB, const EFactionRelation _Relation)
set the relation between the two given factions.
void WinGame (const uint8 _Faction)
show the victory screen to the given faction
void LoseGame (const uint8 _Faction)
show the defeat screen to the given faction
void BlockNavMesh (const string&in _sName, const bool _bBlocked)
activate or deactivate the nav blocker with the given name
void ActivateSpawn (const string&in _sName, const bool _bActive)
activate the spawn of the given name
void ActivateAI (const uint8 _Faction)
activate an existing AI for the given faction
void ShowTutorial (const uint8 _Faction, const string&in _sTutorialName)
show the given tutorial, provided that it has not already been shown.
void ShowTutorial (const uint8 _Faction, const string&in _sTutorialName, const Entity&in _Target)
show the given tutorial, provided that it has not already been shown.
void ShowNotification (const uint8 _Faction, const string&in _sNotificationName, const Entity&in _Location)
show a one-off notification at the given location for the given faction.
void BeginNotification (const uint8 _Faction, const string&in _sNotificationName, const Entity&in _Location)
begin an ongoing notification at the given location for the given faction.
void EndNotification (const uint8 _Faction, const string&in _sNotificationName, const Entity&in _Location)
end an ongoing notification at the given location for the given faction.
void SetTimer (TOnTimerEvent@ _pFunction, const uint _uInterval)
register a timer event to be called after _uInterval seconds.