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class LevelReference

The main interface for interacting with the level the player is currently in.

Class Methods


Functions allowing access to basic objects.
ATTENTION: In general, all functions prefixed with Find are computationally expensive and should be used sparingly.

uint GetCurrentTick () const
get the current tick
uint GetMapId () const
get the map index of the current level
World@ GetWorld ()
get world
Random@ GetRandom ()
get the random number generator
HeroParty@ GetHeroParty (const uint8 _uFaction)
get the hero party for the given faction
QuestJournal@ GetJournal (const uint8 _uFaction)
get the player's quest journal
Sector@ GetSectorByName (const string&in _sName)
get sector script class by name
Sector@ GetSectorByIndex (const uint _uIndex)
get sector script class by index
Sector@[]@ GetSectorsByOwner (const uint8 _uFaction)
get all sectors owned by the given faction
Building GetBuildingByName (const string&in _sName)
get building by name
Building GetBuildingById (const uint _uId)
get building by id
Creature GetCreatureByName (const string&in _sName)
get creature by name
Creature GetCreatureById (const uint _uId)
get creature by id
LogicObject GetLogicObjectByName (const string&in _sName)
get logic object by name
LogicObject GetLogicObjectById (const uint _uId)
get logic object by id
ResourceDeposit GetResourceDepositByName (const string&in _sName)
get resource deposit by name
ResourceDeposit GetResourceDepositById (const uint _uId)
get resource deposit by id
Entity GetEntityById (const uint _uId)
get any entity (creature, building, etc.) by its id
Entity[]@ GetEntitiesByName (const string&in _sName)
get any entities with the given name. will return at most one entity of each type, as names must be unique within each entity type.
string FindEntityName (const Entity&in _Entity) const
find the script name for the given entity. returns an empty string if the entity has not been registered for script access.
Building[]@ FindBuildingsByDescription (const uint8 _uFaction, const string&in _sDescriptionName)
find all buildings with the given description currently owned by the given faction.
Building[]@ FindBuildingsByType (const uint8 _uFaction, const EBuildingType _Type)
find all buildings of the given type currently owned by the given faction.
Creature[]@ FindCreaturesByDescription (const uint8 _uFaction, const string&in _sDescriptionName)
find all creatures with the given description currently owned by the given faction.
Creature[]@ FindCreaturesByType (const uint8 _uFaction, const ECreatureType _Type)
find all creatures of the given type currently owned by the given faction.
Creature[]@ FindCreaturesByFaction (const uint8 _Faction, const bool _bControllableOnly = true)
get all creatures controlled by the given faction (if _bControllableOnly is false, non controllable creatures like workers and dead creatures will be excluded)
Creature[]@ GetCreaturesFromSpawn (const string&in _sSpawnName)
get all creatures spawned by the given spawn (does not include dead creatures!)

Event Registration

Functions for registering event listener callbacks.

void RegisterHeroPartyEvent (const EHeroPartyEvent _EventType, TOnHeroPartyEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sTargetName, const uint8 _Faction)
register an event concerning the hero party
void RegisterInventoryEvent (const EInventoryEvent _EventType, TOnInventoryEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sTargetName, const uint8 _Faction)
register an event concerning the hero party's inventory
void RegisterCreatureEventByDescription (const ECreatureEvent _EventType, TOnCreatureEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sDescriptionName, const uint8 _Faction)
register creature event by description name
void RegisterCreatureEventByIndividual (const ECreatureEvent _EventType, TOnCreatureEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sCreatureName, const string&in _sParam)
register creature event by individual creature name (e.g. name of the creature placed in the level editor OR unique hero name).

Please note, that this event can't be used, when the individual doesn't exist at the beginning of the map (for example when the creature spawns later).

void RegisterCreatureEventByIndividuals (const ECreatureEvent _EventType, TOnCreatureEvent@ _pFunction, const Creature[]&in _Creatures, const bool _bAnyCreature = false, const string&in _sParam = "")
register creature event by individual creature(s)
void RegisterBuildingEventByDescription (const EBuildingEvent _EventType, TOnBuildingEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sDescriptionName, const uint8 _Faction)
register building event by description name
void RegisterBuildingEventByIndividual (const EBuildingEvent _EventType, TOnBuildingEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sBuildingName)
register building event by individual building name (i.e. name of the building in the level editor)
void RegisterBuildingCreatureEventByDescription (const EBuildingCreatureEvent _EventType, TOnBuildingCreatureEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sDescriptionName, const uint8 _Faction)
register building event involving creatures by description name
void RegisterBuildingCreatureEventByIndividual (const EBuildingCreatureEvent _EventType, TOnBuildingCreatureEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sBuildingName)
register building event involving creatures by individual building name (i.e. name of the building in the level editor)
void RegisterSectorEvent (const ESectorEvent _EventType, TOnSectorEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sSectorName)
register a sector event. if _sSectorName is specified and not empty, the event will be fired only for the given sector, otherwise it will be fired for all sectors.
void RegisterUIEvent (const EUIEvent _EventType, TOnUIEvent@ _pFunction, const uint8 _Faction)
register an event to be called when a certain event happens in the ui of the given faction's player
void RegisterUIEventByDescription (const EUIEvent _EventType, TOnUIEntityEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sDescriptionName, const uint8 _Faction)
register an event to be called when a certain event happens in the ui of the given faction's player
void RegisterUIEventByIndividual (const EUIEvent _EventType, TOnUIEntityEvent@ _pFunction, const string&in _sTargetName, const uint8 _Faction)
register an event to be called when a certain event happens in the ui of the given faction's player
void SetTimer (TOnTimerEvent@ _pFunction, const uint _uInterval)
register a timer event to be called after _uInterval seconds.
void CancelTimer (TOnTimerEvent@ _pFunction)
cancel all currently registered timer events calling the given script function (does NOT include timers created using CreateCountdownTimer or CreateStopwatchTimer!)

Victory Conditions

Functions for controlling win/lose conditions.

void WinGame (const uint8 _Faction)
show the victory screen to the given faction
void LoseGame (const uint8 _Faction)
show the defeat screen to the given faction


Functions for controlling faction relations and assets.

uint8[]@ GetPlayerFactions () const
get a list of player controlled factions currently in the game (also counts AIs in player slots in a multiplayer game)
bool IsCampaignFactionInCombat () const
is the singleplayer default faction for this campaign map currently in combat? WARNING: only call this on campaign maps, never on a skirmish map!
void TransferFactionAssets (const uint8 _SourceFaction, const uint8 _DestinationFaction)
transfer ownership of all buildings and units of _uSourceFaction to _uDestFaction
void DestroyFactionAssets (const uint8 _Faction)
destroy or kill all buildings and creatures belonging to the given faction
void DamageFactionAssets (const uint8 _Faction)
apply damage to all buildings and creatures belonging to the given faction
void SetFactionRelation (const uint8 _FactionA, const uint8 _FactionB, const EFactionRelation _Relation)
set the relation between the two given factions.


Functions for displaying notifications to the player.

void ShowNotification (const uint8 _Faction, const string&in _sNotificationName, const Entity&in _Location)
show a one-off notification at the given location for the given faction.
void BeginNotification (const uint8 _Faction, const string&in _sNotificationName, const Entity&in _Location)
begin an ongoing notification at the given location for the given faction.
void EndNotification (const uint8 _Faction, const string&in _sNotificationName, const Entity&in _Location)
end an ongoing notification at the given location for the given faction.
void ShowExplorationBanner (const uint8 _Faction, const uint _uTextId, const string&in _sTextureName, const uint _uFadeInTime, const uint _uDisplayTime, const uint _uFadeOutTime, const string&in _sSoundName = "")
show exploration banner (times are in ms)

Onscreen Timers

Functions to display timers for certain events on the player's screen

uint CreateCountdownTimer (const uint _uDisplayTextId, const uint _uSeconds, TOnTimerEvent@ _pFunction = null, const uint8 _uFaction = kMaxFactions)
create a timer visible in the UI along with the text specified by Timer[_uDisplayTextId] (see names.xml).

the timer will count down from _uSeconds to 0 and optionally call _pFunction upon reaching 0. if _Faction is specified, the timer will only be displayed for the given faction. returns a unique id you can store in order to access the timer later on.

uint CreateStopwatchTimer (const uint _uDisplayTextId, const uint8 _uFaction = kMaxFactions)
create a timer visible in the UI along with the text specified by Timer[_uDisplayTextId] (see names.xml).

the timer will steadily count up from 0 until it is removed. if _Faction is specified, the timer will only be displayed for the given faction. returns a unique id you can store in order to access the timer later on.

void PauseTimer (const uint _uTimerId, const bool _bPause = true)
pause or unpause the given timer
bool ModifyTimer (const uint _uTimerId, const int _iSeconds)
modify the current tick count of _uTimerId by _iSeconds. returns true if the timer is still valid, false if it has been removed
void RemoveTimer (const uint _uTimerId)
remove the timer with the given id
uint GetTimerTime (const uint _uTimerId) const
get the current time on the timer with the given id in seconds
bool IsTimerPaused (const uint _uTimerId) const
is the timer with the given id currently paused?


Functions for controlling tutorials.

void ShowTutorial (const uint8 _Faction, const string&in _sTutorialName)
show the given tutorial, provided that it has not already been shown.
void ShowTutorial (const uint8 _Faction, const string&in _sTutorialName, const Entity&in _Target)
show the given tutorial, provided that it has not already been shown.

Camera Manipulation

Functions for manipulating the player's point of view.

void SetMaxCameraDistance (const uint8 _Faction, const uint _uDistance)
set how far the given player's camera is allowed to zoom out
void ResetMaxCameraDistance (const uint8 _Faction)
reset the maximum camera distance to the level's default value
void SetCameraZoomPercent (const uint8 _Faction, const uint8 _uPercent)
set the given player's camera zoom to the given level (0 = fully zoomed in, 100 = fully zoomed out)
void FocusCamera (const uint8 _Faction, const Entity&in _Target)
focus the given player's camera on the given target


Everything elese.

void ShowWindow (const uint8 _Faction, const uint8 _uControlIndex, const EUIWindow _Window)
open up the specified window for the given player
void PlaySound (const uint8 _Faction, const uint8 _uControlIndex, const string&in _sSoundName, const Entity&in _Location = Entity ( ))
play a sound for the given player (_Faction and _uControlIndex may be -1 if the sound should be played for all players). _Location must only be specified for 3D sounds.
void SetGlobalSoundTrack (const uint8 _Faction, const uint8 _uControlIndex, const ESoundTrack _Track, const string&in _sSoundName)
override the sound event played in the given global event track (_Faction and _uControlIndex may be -1 if the track should be changed for all players). if _sSoundEventName is empty, the default track will be played again.
void SetGlobalSoundParameter (const uint8 _Faction, const uint8 _uControlIndex, const string&in _sParameterName, const int _iValue)
set the value of the given parameter for global sound events (_Faction and _uControlIndex may be -1 if the parameter should be changed for all players).
void SuspendAutomaticCombatMusic (const uint8 _Faction, const uint8 _uControlIndex, const bool _bSuspend)
suspend or allow the automatic playing of combat music (e.g. during cutscenes, _Faction and _uControlIndex may be -1 if the music should be suspended for all players).
void CallWeatherScript (const string&in _sFunction)
call the given function in the level's weather script
void BlockNavMesh (const string&in _sName, const bool _bBlocked)
activate or deactivate the nav blocker with the given name
void ActivateSpawn (const string&in _sName, const bool _bActive)
activate the spawn of the given name
void ActivateAI (const uint8 _Faction)
activate an existing AI for the given faction
void SetAIFlag (const uint8 _Faction, const EAIFlag _Flag, const bool _bValue)
set the given flag for the given AI
void EnableLight (const string&in _sName, const bool _bEnable)
enable or disable the given light
void ExecuteConsoleCommand (const string&in _sCommand)
execute the given console command (logic level prefix is included implicitly)
void DebugTrackActions () const
for debugging only! add action history of this creature to debug output. only works until DebugTrackActions is called on another creature.