Difference between revisions of "Script/World"

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(Global Variables)
(class World)
Line 168: Line 168:
| style = 'color: #505050; line-height: 0.5;' |''remove all global variables in the given category''
| style = 'color: #505050; line-height: 0.5;' |''remove all global variables in the given category''
==== Creature Drop Lists ====
{| border='0' style ='border:solid 1px #eeeedd; color: black; width: 1200px;background-color: #ffffcc;' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='7'
| style='color: blue; width: 10%; text-align:right;line-height: 0.8;' | [[../BasicDataTypes|void]]
| style='color: black; width: 90%; line-height: 1.0;' | '''AddItemToCreatureDrops''' (const [[../BasicDataTypes|string]]&in ''_sCreatureDescriptionName'', const [[../BasicDataTypes|string]]&in ''_sItemName'', const [[../BasicDataTypes|uint]] ''_uAmount'', const [[../BasicDataTypes|uint8]] ''_uPercentChance'')
| style = 'color: #505050; line-height: 0.5;' |''add a chance to drop the given item to any creature with the given description name''
| style='color: blue; width: 10%; text-align:right;line-height: 0.8;' | [[../BasicDataTypes|void]]
| style='color: black; width: 90%; line-height: 1.0;' | '''RemoveItemFromCreatureDrops''' (const [[../BasicDataTypes|string]]&in ''_sCreatureDescriptionName'', const [[../BasicDataTypes|string]]&in ''_sItemName'', const [[../BasicDataTypes|uint]] ''_uAmount'', const [[../BasicDataTypes|uint8]] ''_uPercentChance'')
| style = 'color: #505050; line-height: 0.5;' |''remove a specific previously added entry from the given creature's list of drops''
| style='color: blue; width: 10%; text-align:right;line-height: 0.8;' | [[../BasicDataTypes|void]]
| style='color: black; width: 90%; line-height: 1.0;' | '''RemoveItemFromCreatureDrops''' (const [[../BasicDataTypes|string]]&in ''_sCreatureDescriptionName'', const [[../BasicDataTypes|string]]&in ''_sItemName'')
| style = 'color: #505050; line-height: 0.5;' |''remove a specific previously added entry from the given creature's list of drops''

Revision as of 16:07, 3 March 2017

class World

The main interface for interacting with the global game state, persistent across all levels.

Class Methods

World Map / Travel

bool IsTravelAllowed () const
is travelling (leaving the level/fast travelling) currently allowed?
void AllowTravel (const bool _bAllow)
set whether the player is allowed to leave the current level or fast travel within it.
bool IsMapAccessible (const uint _uMapId) const
is the given level currently accessible?
void SetMapAccessible (const uint _uMapId, const bool _bAccessible = true, const uint8 _uSetting = uint8 ( - 1 ))
set whether the given map is accessible by the player from the world map.
uint8 GetCurrentMapSetting (const uint _uMapId) const
get the current setting for the given map
void SetMapSetting (const uint _uMapId, const uint8 _uSetting)
set the active setting for the given map. the setting change will only take effect the next time the level is visited.
void SetMapEntryPoint (const uint _uMapId, const string&in _sEntryPoint)
set the entry point for _uMapId. will be used when the player travels to the map the next time.
void TravelToMap (const uint _uMapId, const uint8 _uSetting = uint8 ( - 1 ), const string&in _sEntryPoint = "")
go to the given map in the given setting (or current setting, if not specified)


bool IsBlueprintUnlocked (const string&in _sBlueprintName) const
is the given blueprint currently unlocked?
bool UnlockBlueprint (const string&in _sBlueprintName, const bool _bTemporary)
unlock the blueprint of this name for the player (if _bTemporary is true, the blueprint will be re-locked as soon as the player leaves the current level)
bool IsBlueprintUpgradeUnlocked (const string&in _sBlueprintName, const string&in _sUpgradeName) const
is the given upgrade for the given blueprint currently unlocked?
bool UnlockBlueprintUpgrade (const string&in _sBlueprintName, const string&in _sUpgradeName, const bool _bTemporary)
unlock the given blueprint upgrade (if _bTemporary is true, the upgrade will be re-locked as soon as the player leaves the current level)


string[]@ GetEnabledTopics (const string&in _sContainerName) const
get all currently enabled topics within the given container.
string[]@ GetValidTopics (const string&in _sContainerName) const
get all topics in the given container which are enabled and can be initiated at this very moment (checks script conditions, required participants, range, etc.).
void EnableDialogueTopic (const string&in _sContainerName, const string&in _sTopicName, const bool _bEnabled)
enable or disable the given dialogue topic
void BlockDialogueTopicNode (const string&in _sContainerName, const string&in _sNodeName)
disable a dialogue topic node
void UnblockDialogueTopicNode (const string&in _sContainerName, const string&in _sNodeName)
enable a dialogue topic node

Global Variables

bool GetGlobalBool (const string&in _sVarName, const bool _bDefault = false) const
get global variable of type bool
int GetGlobalInt (const string&in _sVarName, const int _iDefault = - 1) const
get global variable of type integer
void SetGlobalBool (const string&in _sVarName, const bool _bValue)
set global variable of type bool
void SetGlobalInt (const string&in _sVarName, const int _iValue)
set global variable of type integer
void RemoveGlobalVar (const string&in _sVarName)
remove the given global variable
string[]@ GetGlobalVarNamesInCategory (const string&in _sCategoryName, const bool _bFullVarNames = true) const
get a list of all variable names in the given category. if _bFullVarNames is false, the returned names will not contain the "_sCategoryName." prefix.
dictionary@ GetGlobalVarsInCategory (const string&in _sCategoryName, const bool _bFullVarNames = true) const
get a dictionary mapping all variable names in the given category to their respective values (all represented as integers).

if _bFullVarNames is false, the key names will not contain the "_sCategoryName." prefix.

void ClearGlobalVarCategory (const string&in _sCategoryName)
remove all global variables in the given category

Creature Drop Lists

void AddItemToCreatureDrops (const string&in _sCreatureDescriptionName, const string&in _sItemName, const uint _uAmount, const uint8 _uPercentChance)
add a chance to drop the given item to any creature with the given description name
void RemoveItemFromCreatureDrops (const string&in _sCreatureDescriptionName, const string&in _sItemName, const uint _uAmount, const uint8 _uPercentChance)
remove a specific previously added entry from the given creature's list of drops
void RemoveItemFromCreatureDrops (const string&in _sCreatureDescriptionName, const string&in _sItemName)
remove a specific previously added entry from the given creature's list of drops