Difference between revisions of "Script/LogicObject"

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Line 121: Line 121:
| style = 'color: #505050; line-height: 0.5;' |''set whether the entity can be interacted with''
| style = 'color: #505050; line-height: 0.5;' |''set whether the entity can be interacted with''
| style='color: blue; width: 10%; text-align:right;line-height: 0.8;' | [[../BasicDataTypes|bool]]
| style='color: black; width: 90%; line-height: 1.0;' | '''IsSelectable''' () const
| style = 'color: #505050; line-height: 0.5;' |''can the entity (theoretically) be selected by the player?''
| style='color: blue; width: 10%; text-align:right;line-height: 0.8;' | [[../BasicDataTypes|void]]
| style='color: black; width: 90%; line-height: 1.0;' | '''SetSelectable''' (const [[../BasicDataTypes|bool]] ''_bSelectable'')
| style = 'color: #505050; line-height: 0.5;' |''set whether the entity can be selected by the player
(note that depending on the type of entity, there may be additional checks preventing the entity from being selected)''
| style='color: blue; width: 10%; text-align:right;line-height: 0.8;' | [[../BasicDataTypes|bool]]  
| style='color: blue; width: 10%; text-align:right;line-height: 0.8;' | [[../BasicDataTypes|bool]]  

Revision as of 11:30, 9 January 2017

class LogicObject

Represents a reference to a logic object in the game world. A logic object may be e.g. a switch, loot container, etc. Yes, it is kind of inconsequent to call this one LogicObject in the script but LevelObject in the native code, but that's what our dear scripters wanted. An instance of this class acts like a weak pointer to an existing logic object in the game world and provides an interface to interact with it. Before interacting with the object, you should call Exists() in order to check if the object actually (still) exists. IMPORTANT: This class must NOT be stored as a class member. If you want to store the object for later reference, store the id obtained by GetId instead. You can then later retrieve the object from the LevelReference class by calling GetLogicObjectById.

Inherits from: Entity

Class Methods

ELogicObjectType GetLogicObjectType () const
get logic object type
bool GetToggleState () const
get toggle state of the logic object
void SetToggleState (const bool _bToggled)
set toggle state of the logic object (e.g. position of a switch, whether a nav blocker is enabled or disabled, whether a chest is open or closed)
int GetSightRange () const
get sight range of the logic object
void SetSightRange (const int _iSightRange)
set sight range of the logic object
bool IsSightBlocking () const
does the object block line of sight?
void SetSightBlocking (const bool _bBlocking)
set whether the object should block line of sight
LogicObject& operator= (const LogicObject&in)
bool operator== (const LogicObject&in)
bool operator== (const Entity&in)
bool Exists () const
does the entity actually exist? (always check this before doing anything with the entity!)
uint GetId () const
get persistent entity id, use this to save the entity for later reference.
uint8 GetFaction () const
get owner faction
void SetFaction (const uint8 _Faction)
set owner faction
EEntityType GetEntityType () const
get entity type
bool IsEnabled () const
whether the entity is currently enabled (i.e. is visible in the game world)
void Enable (const bool _bEnabled)
enabled or disable the entity
bool IsInteractive () const
can the entity be interacted with?
void SetInteractive (const bool _bInteractive)
set whether the entity can be interacted with
bool IsSelectable () const
can the entity (theoretically) be selected by the player?
void SetSelectable (const bool _bSelectable)
set whether the entity can be selected by the player

(note that depending on the type of entity, there may be additional checks preventing the entity from being selected)

bool IsBusy () const
is the entity currently marked as busy?
void SetBusy (const bool _bBusy)
mark the entity as busy
void SetInspectionText (const uint _uTextId)
make the entity inspectable and set the text to be displayed upon inspection
bool CanBeAttacked () const
can the entity be attacked?
void SetAttackable (const bool _bAttackable)
set whether the entity can be attacked
Entity opImplConv () const

class LogicObject

Represents a reference to a logic object in the game world. A logic object may be e.g. a switch, loot container, etc. Yes, it is kind of inconsequent to call this one LogicObject in the script but LevelObject in the native code, but that's what our dear scripters wanted. An instance of this class acts like a weak pointer to an existing logic object in the game world and provides an interface to interact with it. Before interacting with the object, you should call Exists() in order to check if the object actually (still) exists. IMPORTANT: This class must NOT be stored as a class member. If you want to store the object for later reference, store the id obtained by GetId instead. You can then later retrieve the object from the LevelReference class by calling GetLogicObjectById.

Inherits from: Entity

Class Methods

ELogicObjectType GetLogicObjectType () const
get logic object type
bool GetToggleState () const
get toggle state of the logic object
void SetToggleState (const bool _bToggled)
set toggle state of the logic object (e.g. position of a switch, whether a nav blocker is enabled or disabled, whether a chest is open or closed)
int GetSightRange () const
get sight range of the logic object
void SetSightRange (const int _iSightRange)
set sight range of the logic object
bool IsSightBlocking () const
does the object block line of sight?
void SetSightBlocking (const bool _bBlocking)
set whether the object should block line of sight
LogicObject& operator= (const LogicObject&in)
bool operator== (const LogicObject&in)
bool operator== (const Entity&in)
bool Exists () const
does the entity actually exist? (always check this before doing anything with the entity!)
uint GetId () const
get persistent entity id, use this to save the entity for later reference.
uint8 GetFaction () const
get owner faction
void SetFaction (const uint8 _Faction)
set owner faction
EEntityType GetEntityType () const
get entity type
bool IsEnabled () const
whether the entity is currently enabled (i.e. is visible in the game world)
void Enable (const bool _bEnabled)
enabled or disable the entity
bool IsInteractive () const
can the entity be interacted with?
void SetInteractive (const bool _bInteractive)
set whether the entity can be interacted with
bool IsSelectable () const
can the entity (theoretically) be selected by the player?
void SetSelectable (const bool _bSelectable)
set whether the entity can be selected by the player

(note that depending on the type of entity, there may be additional checks preventing the entity from being selected)

bool IsBusy () const
is the entity currently marked as busy?
void SetBusy (const bool _bBusy)
mark the entity as busy
void SetInspectionText (const uint _uTextId)
make the entity inspectable and set the text to be displayed upon inspection
bool CanBeAttacked () const
can the entity be attacked?
void SetAttackable (const bool _bAttackable)
set whether the entity can be attacked
Entity opImplConv () const