[hide]class LevelBase
Class Methods
Normal print Functions
print functions. Please use these accordingly.
void | printCheat ( string _stgDebug ) |
Used to print out messages to the debug console. Use this for pure cheat functions. | |
void | printNote ( string _stgDebug ) |
Used to print out messages to the debug console. Use this for all the normal prints. | |
void | printArticy ( string _stgDebug ) |
Used to print out messages to the debug console. Use this for functions, that are called via Dialogues from Articy. | |
void | printCutscene ( string _stgDebug ) |
Used to print out messages to the debug console. Used for cutscenes and cutscene functions. | |
void | printImportant ( string _stgDebug ) |
Used to print out messages to the debug console. Dont use these, they are used from the Level Base to give out basic version informations. | |
void | printGameplay ( string _stgDebug ) |
Used to print out messages to the debug console. Primarely used for the | |
void | printDialog ( string _stgDebug ) |
Used to print out messages to from specific dialog functions. Don't use it in normal content scripting, it's reserved for these dialog functions. |
PvP Functions
void | PrepareSkirmishPvP ( ) |
This function is called at the beginning of each Skirmish PvP map. It adds a handful of items to each player, and also registers the OnPvPFirstHero event. | |
void | OnPvPFirstHero ( Building&in _Building, Creature[]&in _Creatures ) |
This event function is called in the skirmish PvP maps, when the first hero was recruited. It equips the teleport stone to the first consumable slot. |
General Functions
string | GetCurrentMapInformation ( ) |
Gives back the map string of the current map. It consists of the map acnronym and the setting number, examples: LC1, FH2, and so on. It is primarily used by the big dictionary configurations in the Script/LevelBase_Gameplay. | |
void | Travel_UnlockAllMaps ( ) |
Unlocks all maps, so that one can travel to all. This is primarily used for testing, and should not be used later. |
void | RTSRessourcesToSector ( string_stgSector, dictionary_dictRes ) |
Adds the resources that are in the given dictionary to the main building of the given sector. For this a main building needs to be present, or else simply nothing happens. This function simply gets the main building and then forwards the information of the resources to the function RTSRessourcesToBuilding. The dictionary needs to be filled with entries, where the resource as a string is the key, and the value is the number as an int. Example: dictionary = {{'Planks', 100}, {'Brick', 50}}. The names of the resources can be found here: EResource. | |
void | RTSRessourcesToBuilding ( Script/Building_bldgTmp, dictionary_dictRes ) |
Adds the resources that are in the given dictionary to the given building. The dictionary needs to be filled with entries, where the resource as a string is the key, and the value is the number as an int. Example: dictionary = {{'Planks', 100}, {'Brick', 50}}. The names of the resources can be found here: EResource. | |
void | RTSUnlockBlueprints ( string[] _arrBlueprints ) |
Unlocks the given blueprints from the array. |
bool | OnDespawnCreature ( Creature& in _Creature ) |
Standard event, when a creature should despawn. Nothing special here, but is needed quite often. | |
bool | OnDespawnCreatureGroup ( Creature& in _Creature ) |
Standard event, when a creature from a group should despawn. Nothing special here, but is needed quite often. |
void | SpawnRevive ( uint _arrSpawnIDs ) |
Revives creatures whose ID's are in the array given. Sadly this can't work via spawn name, as dead creatures cannot be accessed via their spawn. | |
void | SpawnDespawn ( string _stgSpawnName ) |
Gets all creatures from the given spawn and disables them. | |
void | SpawnKill ( string _stgSpawnName ) |
Gets all creatures from the given spawn and kills them all. | |
void | SpawnPreserve ( string _stgSpawnName ) |
Gets all creatures from the given spawn and sets them all to be preserved after their death. | |
void | SpawnKillAndPreserve ( string _stgSpawnName ) |
Gets all creatures from the given spawn, kills and preserves them all. | |
void | SpawnAttackable ( string _stgSpawn, bool _bEnable ) |
Gets all creatures from the given spawn and sets the attackable flag to the given bool value. It menas that the creatures can either be attacked by enemies or not. | |
void | SpawnAllowAttacks ( string _stgSpawn, bool _bEnable ) |
Gets all creatures from the given spawn and sets their attack flag to the given bool. It means it lets the creature either not attack enemy targets or not. | |
void | SpawnReveal ( string _stgSpawn ) |
Gets all creatures from the given spawn and reveals them for the Player faction for a couple of seconds. | |
bool | IsSpawnAlive ( string _stgSpawn ) |
Checks if any creature of the given spawn is alive. | |
void | Teleport ( string _stgCreatureName, string _stgEntityPositionName ) |
Teleports the creature to the given position. The position needs to be a logic object, recommended is to use Map/Spots. |
void | MarkerDialogueForCreatures ( string _stgDescription, bool _bEnable, int _iFaction ) |
Adds the marker for available dialogues to all creatures of the given description from the given faction. | |
void | Banner_Humans ( int _iID ) |
Plays the banner for entering a special town, also plays the sound that comes with it. The ID is the XML ID for the town name. |
Creature Functions
void | CreatureUnequipWeapons ( string _stgCreature ) |
Unequipps the weapons of the given creature. The information of the weapons is saved, so it can be equpped later again. Should be used in combination with CreatureEquipWeapons. | |
void | CreatureEquipWeapons ( string _stgCreature ) |
Equipps the weapons of the creature again. If the creature wasn't unequipped before, nothing happsn. Should be used in combination with CreatureUnequipWeapons. | |
void | EnablePOIVisitingBehaviorSpawn ( string _stgSpawn, bool _bEnable ) |
Gets the creatures from the given spawn, and sets the POI behavior to the given bool. So its either on or off, denpending on what you give here. | |
void | SetPOICategoriesSpawn ( string _stgSpawn, string[] _CategoryNames ) |
This is used to set the POI categories of the given spawn to the given string array. | |
void | SetSpawnImmovable ( string _stgSpawn, bool _bTrueFalse ) |
Sets the immovable flag of all creatures from the given spawn to the given bool, so either on/off. | |
void | SetSpawnImmortal ( string _stgSpawn, bool _bTrueFalse ) |
Sets the immortal flag of all creatures from the given spawn to the given bool, so either on/off. | |
void | SetFactionSpawn ( string _stgSpawn, int _iFaction ) |
Gets all creatures from the given spawn and changes their faction to the given ID. | |
void | EnemyAI_Start ( uint _iFaction ) |
Activates the RTS AI of the given faction. |
Hero Functions
void | PlayerHeroControlEnable ( ) |
Gives the player the full controls of his Hero Party back. | |
void | PlayerHeroControlDisable ( ) |
Takes the full controls of Hero Party away. |
void | DialogShoutout ( string _stgCreatureName, string _stgArticyContainerName, string _stgArticyTopicName, bool _bStopHeroParty ) |
Starts the shoutout immediately. The names of the parameters are kinda self-explanatory, so I'm not going to explain this function further. | |
void | DialogShoutoutTimed ( string _stgCreatureName, string _stgArticyContainerName, string _stgArticyTopicName, bool _bStopHeroParty, uint _iSeconds ) |
Starts the shoutout in X seconds. The names of the parameters are kinda self-explanatory, so I'm not going to explain this function further. | |
void | DialogShoutoutOutOfCombat ( string _stgCreatureName, string _stgArticyContainerName, string _stgArticyTopicName, bool _bStopHeroParty ) |
Starts the shoutout once the hero party is not in combat anymore. The names of the parameters are kinda self-explanatory, so I'm not going to explain this function further. | |
void | DialogShoutoutWhenReady ( string _stgCreatureName, string _stgArticyContainerName, string _stgArticyTopicName, bool _bStopHeroParty ) |
Starts the shoutout once the hero party is not in another dialogue, all are alive, no hero is busy and only the party faction is not in combat. The names of the parameters are kinda self-explanatory, so I'm not going to explain this function further. | |
void | DialogShoutoutReveal ( string _stgCreatureName, string _stgArticyContainerName, string _stgArticyTopicName ) |
Directly starts the shoutput and also reveals the speaker. | |
void | DialogShoutoutGathered ( string _stgCreatureName, string _stgArticyContainerName, string _stgArticyTopicName, bool _bStopHeroParty ) |
Starts the shoutout once the hero party is gathered. The names of the parameters are kinda self-explanatory, so I'm not going to explain this function further. | |
void | DialogBantern ( string _stgCreatureName, string _stgArticyContainerName, string _stgArticyTopicName, uint _iPlayInXXSeconds) |
Starts a dialogue as a bantern. These dialogues are special in that kind, that they can be interrupted by a fight that starts or another dialogue that starts. The dialogue is safed and started again later, after the situation is right again. If two bantern where interrupted, the first one that was commissioned is played first, then the next one and so on. | |
void | DialogTalkTo ( string _stgCreatureName01, string _stgCreatureName02, string _stgArticyContainerName, string _stgArticyTopicName ) |
Lets the creature 1 walk to creature 2 and then start the dialogue. Important note: we never let the Avatar of the player walk to another character, but always lets the other one come to the avatar. So keep this in mind. | |
void | DialogTalkToQueued ( string _stgCreatureName01, string _stgCreatureName02, string _stgArticyContainerName, string _stgArticyTopicName ) |
Lets the creature 1 also walk to creature 2 and then start the dialogue, only that the action is queued in this function. Important note: we never let the Avatar of the player walk to another character, but always lets the other one come to the avatar. So keep this in mind. |
void | HeroBanterEnable ( uint _iLevel ) |
Enables the Hero Bantern process on this map. Is normally enabled. | |
void | HeroBanterDisable ( uint _iLevel ) |
Disables the hero bantern process on this map. | |
void | SetHeroParty ( uint _iLevel ) |
Set the hero party to the given level. Automatically distributes attribute points, equippment, skills, and so on. | |
bool | HeroPartyAnyIsAlive ( ) |
Checks if any hero of the hero party is still alive. | |
bool | HeroPartyIsAlive ( ) |
Checks if the whole hero party is alive. | |
string | HeroPartyGetRandomThatIsAlive ( ) |
Checks which heros are alive and gives back one random member from those. | |
bool | HeroPartyIsMemberDead ( ) |
Checks if one hero of the hero party is dead. | |
void | HeroPartyReviveMembers ( ) |
Checks if one of the hero party is dead, and if yes simply revives him. | |
void | HeroPartyStopDialogues ( ) |
Stops all dialogues where the hero party is involved in. | |
void | HeroPartyGorTransform ( bool _bTransform ) |
Transforms the hero Gor to his wolf- or orc-form. Depends on the given bool, if he is a wolf or not. | |
void | HeroPartyGorTransformToAnimal ( ) |
Transforms the hero Gor to his wolf form. | |
void | HeroPartyGorTransformToOrc ( ) |
Transforms the hero Gor to his orcform. | |
void | HeroPartyTeleport ( string _stgPos ) |
Teleports the whole hero party to the given position. | |
void | HeroPartyUnequip ( ) |
Unequipps the whole hero party and saves the information about what was equipped (which is needed for the function "HeroPartyReequip"). | |
void | HeroPartyReequip ( ) |
Equipps the whole hero party again. Should be used in combination with "HeroPartyUnequip". | |
void | HeroPartyJoin ( string _stgCreatureName ) |
Lets the given creature join the hero party of the player. | |
void | HeroPartyLeave ( string _stgCreatureName, int _iFaction ) |
Kicks out the given creature from the hero party of the player. | |
bool | HeroPartyCheckIfMember ( string _stgCreatureName, int _iFaction ) |
Checks, if the given creature is part of the hero party from the faction. | |
void | HeroClearEquippment ( string _stgCreatureName, bool _bDestroyOrNot ) |
Unequipps the whole gear of a creature. The stuff is either destroyed, or put in the inventory, depending on the given bool. | |
void | HeroPartyJoinFaction ( string _stgCreatureName, int _iFaction ) |
Adds the given creature to the hero party of the given faction. | |
void | HeroPartyAttackable ( bool _bEnable ) |
Sets the attackable flag on the whole hero party of the player to the given bool. | |
void | HeroPartyCastCondition ( int _iConditionId, int _iTime ) |
Casts the given condition to the whole hero party of the player for the given time. If you want it to run endlessly simply give -1 as the parameter. | |
void | HeroPartyClearCondition ( int _iConditionId ) |
Removes the given condition from the whole hero party of the player. | |
void | HeroPartyGatherAtAvatar ( ) |
Lets the hero party walk towards the Avatar. | |
void | HeroPartyGatherAtFirst ( ) |
Lets the hero party walk walk to the first hero in the party (is mostly the Avatar, or at the start of the game it's Sentenza). | |
void | HeroPartyGatherAtCreature ( string _stgCrtName ) |
Lets the whole hero party walk towars the given creature. | |
bool | HeroPartyReadyForDialogue ( ) |
Checks, if the hero party is ready for a dialoge. That means that the party is not in another dialogue, nor is the player faction in combat nor is the Avatar set being busy. | |
void | HeroPartyImmortal ( bool _bEnable ) |
Sets the immortal flag for the whole hero party to the given bool, so on or off. Please dont overuse this, only if there is really, reaaaaaly an important reason for the hero party to be immortal. And please set it back to normal. | |
void | HeroPartyResetToNormal ( ) |
Sets the hero party to the normal state. That menas: immortal, attackable, and controllable by the player. | |
void | HeroPickUpObject ( string _stgObject, string _stgItem ) |
Adds the given item to the hero party inventory, and lets the given object in the level disappear. Also plays an generic sound, that something was picked up. | |
void | HeroPickUpPaper ( string _stgObject, string _stgItem ) |
Adds the given item to the hero party inventory, and lets the given object in the level disappear. Also plays a paper sound. (but currently its still generic. Sound is coming later) |
Sound & Music Functions
To play a specific sound at the position of the given object.
void | PlaySound_ItemReceived ( string _stgObject ) |
Play's the specific sound for receiving an item | |
void | PlaySound_GenericStone ( string _stgObject ) |
Playing a generic stone sound | |
void | PlaySound_GenericWater ( string _stgObject ) |
Playing a generic water sound |
These functions are used to start a specific track for a hero or character.
void | PlayTrack_HeroGor ( ) |
Play's the theme of the Hero Gor the Changeling | |
void | PlayTrack_HeroIanna ( ) |
Play's the theme of the Hero Ianna the Singer | |
void | PlayTrack_HeroIsgrimm ( ) |
Play's the theme of the Hero Isgrimm the Smith | |
void | PlayTrack_HeroRohen ( ) |
Play's the theme of the Hero Rohen Tahir | |
void | PlayTrack_HeroUndergast ( ) |
Play's the theme of the Hero Undergast the Weaver | |
void | PlayTrack_HeroUram ( ) |
Play's the theme of the Hero Uram the Red | |
void | PlayTrack_HeroYria ( ) |
Play's the theme of the Hero Yria of the Light | |
void | PlayTrack_CharSentenza ( ) |
Play's the theme of the character Sentenza Noria | |
void | PlayTrack_CharAngar ( ) |
Play's the theme of the Angar Arandir | |
void | PlayTrack_CharRondar_1 ( ) |
Play's the theme of the Rondar Lacaine (Theme 1) | |
void | PlayTrack_CharRondar_2 ( ) |
Play's the theme of the Rondar Lacaine (Theme 2) | |
void | PlayTrack_CharRondar_combat ( ) |
Play's the combat theme of the Rondar Lacaine | |
void | PlayTrack_CharAndrasSong_1 ( ) |
Play's the song from Andra, Version 1 | |
void | PlayTrack_CharAndrasSong_2 ( ) |
Play's the song from Andra, Version 2 | |
void | PlayTrack_CharAndrasSong_3 ( ) |
Play's the song from Andra, Version 3 |
These functions are more special, as they change the global soundtrack of the map. The '_low', '_med' and '_high' functions stop the intensity calculation and start the combat track.
The functions without these only call the setting track and reset the intensity calculation.
IMPORTANT: Please don't use the tracks as you see fit - please, ALWAY'S talk with Basti (Sound Designer) before using one of them.
void | PlaySetting_ashlands ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so ashlands. Also resets combat music to normal | |
void | PlaySetting_ashlands_low ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so ashlands. Also changes the combat music to low | |
void | PlaySetting_ashlands_med ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so ashlands. Also changes the combat music to med | |
void | PlaySetting_ashlands_high ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so ashlands. Also changes the combat music to high | |
void | PlaySetting_desert ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so desert. Also resets combat music to normal | |
void | PlaySetting_desert_low ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so desert. Also changes the combat music to low | |
void | PlaySetting_desert_med ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so desert. Also changes the combat music to med | |
void | PlaySetting_desert_high ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so desert. Also changes the combat music to high | |
void | PlaySetting_grassland ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so grassland. Also resets combat music to normal | |
void | PlaySetting_grassland_low ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so grassland. Also changes the combat music to low | |
void | PlaySetting_grassland_med ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so grassland. Also changes the combat music to med | |
void | PlaySetting_grassland_high ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so grassland. Also changes the combat music to high | |
void | PlaySetting_jungle ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so jungle. Also resets combat music to normal | |
void | PlaySetting_jungle_low ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so jungle. Also changes the combat music to low | |
void | PlaySetting_jungle_med ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so jungle. Also changes the combat music to med | |
void | PlaySetting_jungle_high ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so jungle. Also changes the combat music to high | |
void | PlaySetting_mountains ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so mountains. Also resets combat music to normal | |
void | PlaySetting_mountains_low ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so mountains. Also changes the combat music to low | |
void | PlaySetting_mountains_med ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so mountains. Also changes the combat music to med | |
void | PlaySetting_mountains_high ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so mountains. Also changes the combat music to high | |
void | PlaySetting_swamp ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so swamp. Also resets combat music to normal | |
void | PlaySetting_swamp_low ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so swamp. Also changes the combat music to low | |
void | PlaySetting_swamp_med ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so swamp. Also changes the combat music to med | |
void | PlaySetting_swamp_high ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so swamp. Also changes the combat music to high | |
void | PlaySetting_dungeon ( ) |
Changes the global music setting so dungeon. Also resets combat music to normal |
Weather Functions
The following functions are ONLY for testing the weather profiles, as it breaks the weather algorythm!
void | Weather_sunshine ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings sunshine | |
void | Weather_sunshineFoggy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings sunshine with fog | |
void | Weather_overcastLight ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings lighty overcast | |
void | Weather_overcast ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings overcast | |
void | Weather_overcastHeavy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings heavy ocercast | |
void | Weather_overcastThunder ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings overcast with a flavour of thunder | |
void | Weather_overcastRainLight ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings overcast with light rain | |
void | Weather_overcastStormyLight ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings overcast with rain and thunder | |
void | Weather_cloudyLight ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings light clouds | |
void | Weather_cloudyLightFoggy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings light clouds with fog | |
void | Weather_cloudyLightWindy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings light, windy clouds | |
void | Weather_cloudy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings normal clouds | |
void | Weather_cloudyFoggy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings clouds with fog | |
void | Weather_cloudyWindy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings windy clouds | |
void | Weather_cloudyHeavy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings heavy clouds | |
void | Weather_cloudyHeavyFoggy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings heavy clouds with fog | |
void | Weather_cloudyHeavyWindy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings heavy, windy clouds | |
void | Weather_rainLight ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings light rain | |
void | Weather_rain ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings normal rain | |
void | Weather_rainHeavy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings heavy rain | |
void | Weather_stormLight ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings light storm | |
void | Weather_storm ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings normal storm | |
void | Weather_stormHeavy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and brings heavy storm | |
void | Weather_interior ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and remvoes all clouds | |
void | Weather_interiorFoggyLight ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and remvoes all clouds and adds a little fog. | |
void | Weather_interiorFoggy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and remvoes all clouds and adds fog. | |
void | Weather_interiorFoggyHeavy ( ) |
Calls upon the weather gods and remvoes all clouds and adds a lot of fog. |