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Callback Function Signatures

Below is a list of function signatures used to register event callbacks.

bool TOnHeroPartyEvent (Creature&in _Creature)
bool TOnInventoryEvent (const string&in _sItemName, const uint _uAmount)
bool TOnCreatureEvent (Creature&in _Creature)
bool TOnBuildingEvent (Building&in _Building)
bool TOnUIEvent ()
bool TOnUIEntityEvent (Entity&in _Entity)

Callback Function Signatures

Below is a list of function signatures used to register event callbacks.

bool TOnHeroPartyEvent (Creature&in _Creature)
bool TOnInventoryEvent (const string&in _sItemName, const uint _uAmount)
bool TOnCreatureEvent (Creature&in _Creature)
bool TOnBuildingEvent (Building&in _Building)
bool TOnUIEvent ()
bool TOnUIEntityEvent (Entity&in _Entity)