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class CreatureGroup

Interface to give coordinated commands to a selected group of creatures.

Class Methods

[constructor] CreatureGroup (LevelReference&in _Level)
create an empty creature group.
[constructor] CreatureGroup (LevelReference&in _Level, const Creature[]&in _Creatures)
create a creature group using the given creatures.
[constructor] CreatureGroup (const CreatureGroup&in _Other)
copy data from the given creature group.
[constructor] CreatureGroup ()
default constructor. NEVER USE THIS! this constructor only exists because AngelScript requires it.
uint8 GetFaction () const
get the faction of the creatures in the group. may return kMaxFactions if the group is empty.
void SetFaction (const uint8 _Faction)
set the faction of all creatures in this group
Creature[]@ GetCreatures () const
get a list of creatures currently in the group
bool IsMember (const Creature&in _Creature) const
check if the given creature is a member of this group
void Add (const Creature&in _Creature)
add a creature to the selection
void Set (const Creature[]&in _Creatures)
assign a new set of creatures to the selection, replacing any previous ones.
void Remove (const Creature&in _Creature)
remove the given creature from the selection
void Clear ()
remove all creatures from the selection
void SetControllable (const bool _bControllable)
make creatures in this group controllable by the player (or not)
void FollowPath (const string&in _sPathName, const bool _bForward, const bool _bQueued = false, const bool _bWalk = false)
make the creatures walk along the given path (will first go to the closest point on the path and then follow from there)
void FollowPathFromBeginning (const string&in _sPathName, const bool _bForward, const bool _bQueued = false, const bool _bWalk = false)
make the creature walk along the given path (will go to the first point of the path and then follow from there)
void FollowPathWait (const string&in _sPathName, const bool _bForward, const bool _bFromBeginning, const uint8 _WaitForHeroesFaction, const EFollowPathWaitMode _WaitMode, const bool _bQueued = false, const bool _bWalk = false)
make the creature walk along the given path, but wait for heroes of the given party to be nearby before continuing to the next waypoint
void FollowPathSmooth (const string&in _sPathName, const bool _bForward, const bool _bFromBeginning = true, const uint8 _WaitForHeroesFaction = kMaxFactions, const EFollowPathWaitMode _WaitMode = WaitForAnyHeroes, const bool _bQueued = false, const bool _bWalk = false)
same as FollowPathWait, but creatures will not stop at every waypoint. may cause creatures to get spread over long distances.
void Patrol (const string&in _sPathName, const bool _bPingPong, const bool _bForward, const bool _bSmooth, const bool _bQueued = false, const bool _bWalk = false)
make the group continuously patrol along the given path. if _bPingPong is true, the group will alternate between walking the path forward and backward. otherwise, it will start over from the beginning after reaching the end.
void FollowCreature (const Creature&in _Creature, const uint _uMaxDistance = 80, const uint _uMinDistance = 20, const bool _bQueued = false, const bool _bWalk = false)
follow the given creature, trying to stay within the given distance from it
void Move (const Entity&in _Target, const bool _bQueued = false, const bool _bSameSpeed = false, const bool _bWalk = false)
move to the CURRENT position of the given entity
void Move (const Position&in _Target, const bool _bQueued = false, const bool _bSameSpeed = false, const bool _bWalk = false)
move to the CURRENT position of the given entity
void Teleport (const Entity&in _Target, const bool _bQueued = false)
teleport selection to the target position
void Stop ()
stop whatever you are doing. for obvious reasons, this one can't be queued.
void HoldPosition (const bool _bQueued = false)
let the creatures stop and hold their position wherever they are at the moment
void AttackPosition (const Entity&in _Target, const bool _bQueued = false, const bool _bWalk = false)
attack the general area around the given entity
void AttackPosition (const Position&in _Target, const bool _bQueued = false, const bool _bWalk = false)
attack the general area around the given entity
void AttackEntity (const Entity&in _Target, const bool _bQueued = false)
attack the given entity
void Cast (const string&in _sSpellName, const Entity&in _Target, const bool _bQueued = false)
cast a spell at the given target (_Target may be Entity()/invalid if the spell is self-cast)
void Die (const bool _bQueued = false)
kill all creatures in the group
void BuildSectorCenter (const uint16 _uSectorIndex, const bool _bQueued = false)
build a sector center in the given sector. may fail if there is already a sector center present. requires at least one hero to be in the selection.
CreatureGroup& operator= (const CreatureGroup&in _Other)