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class HeroParty

An interface which can be used to interact with a player's hero characters.

Class Methods

bool AreAutoAttacksEnabled () const
are auto attacks currently enabled for the hero party?
void EnableAutoAttacks (const bool _bEnable)
enable or disable auto attacks for the hero party
void EnableExperienceGain (const bool _bEnable)
enable experience gain
uint GetLevel () const
get current hero party level
string[]@ GetAllItems () const
get a list of all items in the party's inventory (does not include items currently equipped by heroes; duplicate items will not be included)
void AddItems (const string&in _sItemTechnicalName, const uint _uAmount)
add an item to the hero party's inventory
void RemoveItems (const string&in _sItemTechnicalName, const uint _uAmount)
remove the given amount of the given item from the hero party's inventory
bool HasItems (const string&in _sItemTechnicalName, const uint _uAmount) const
check whether the hero party has at least _uAmount of the given item in their inventory
uint GetItemAmount (const string&in _sItemTechnicalName) const
get the number of items of the given type currently in the party inventory
void AddGold (const uint _uAmount)
add the given amount of gold coins to the party's coin pouch
uint RemoveGold (const uint _uAmount)
remove up to _uAmount of gold coins from the party's coin pouch (may be less if there is not enough available). returns actual amount removed.
uint GetGold () const
get current amount of gold in the party's coin pouch
bool IsMember (const Creature&in _Creature) const
check whether the given creature is currently a member of the hero party
void AddMember (const Creature&in _Creature)
add creature to hero party
void RemoveMember (const Creature&in _Creature)
remove creature from hero party
Creature[]@ GetMembers () const
get all current members of the party
void SetHeroOwned (const string&in _sHeroTechnicalName, const bool _bAdjustLevel)
set hero owned
bool IsGathered (const bool _bShowGatherNotification) const
check whether the hero party is currently gathered (if _bShowGatherNotification is true, a notification telling the player to gather their party will be shown)
bool IsGathered (const Entity&in _Target, const bool _bShowGatherNotification) const
check whether the hero party is currently gathered at the target's position.

(if _bShowGatherNotification is true, a notification telling the player to gather their party will be shown)

void Gather (const Entity&in _Target = Entity ( ))
forcibly gather the hero party around the target and revive them if necessary (if not target is provided, they will be gathered around the party leader)
void AddExperience (const uint _uAmount)
award experience to the hero party
void ModifyHeroAttribute (const Creature&in _Creature, const ECreatureAttribute _Attribute, const int8 _iValue)
modify attribute of the given hero by the given value (note: this will only work when enough attribute points are available)
void ResetHeroAttributes (const Creature&in _Creature)
reset hero attributes (returning spent attribute points)
void SetAbilityUnavailable (const Creature&in _Creature, const string&in _sAbilityName, const bool _bUnavailable)
set the given ability for the given hero as unavailable
void UnlockHeroAbility (const Creature&in _Creature, const string&in _sAbilityName)
unlock the given ability for the given hero, provided the hero has enough ability points available
void PrepareHeroAbility (const Creature&in _Creature, const string&in _sAbilityName, const uint _uSlot)
prepare the given ability for the given hero, provided the hero has learned this ability
void ResetHeroAbilities (const Creature&in _Creature)
reset hero abilities (returning spent ability points)
void SelectAvatarAbilityTree (const string&in _sAbilityTreeName)
select avatar ability tree
void DeselectAvatarAbilityTree (const string&in _sAbilityTreeName)
deselect avatar ability tree
void DeselectAllAvatarAbilityTrees ()
deselect all avatar ability trees
uint GetCurrentRevivalCharges () const
get current number of available revival charges
uint GetMaxRevivalCharges () const
get maximum number of revival charges the party can have
void ModifyCurrentRevivalCharges (const int _iCharges)
modify number of available revival charges by the given value
void ModifyMaxRevivalCharges (const int _iCharges)
modify maximum number of revival charges by the given value
void Stop ()
stop the entire hero party dead in their tracks.