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Global Functions

This is a list of global functions available for use in visual scripts.

void print (const string&in)
float RandomFloat (const float _fFrom, const float _fTo)
int RandomInt (const int _iFrom, const int _iTo)
float Sin (const float _fRadians)
float Cos (const float _fRadians)
float Tan (const float _fRadians)
float ArcSin (const float _fX)
float ArcCos (const float _fX)
float ArcTan (const float _fX)
float ArcTan (const float _fY, const float _fX)
float Round (const float _fValue)
float RadianToDegree (const float _fRadians)
float DegreeToRadian (const float _fDegree)
float Clamp (const float _fValue, const float _fMin, const float _fMax)
float Pow (const float _fX, const float _fPower)
float Sqrt (const float _fValue)
float Interpolate (const float _fA, const float _fB, const float _fS)
interpolate linearly between _fA and _fB based on the scalar _fS (value between 0 and 1).
float Interpolate (const float _fA, const float _fB, const float _fS, const EInterpolation _Mode, const float _fExponent = 2.0f)
interpolate between values _fA and _fB based on the scalar _fS (value between 0 and 1) using an interpolation mode of your choice.

Global Functions

This is a list of global functions available for use in visual scripts.

void print (const string&in)
float RandomFloat (const float _fFrom, const float _fTo)
int RandomInt (const int _iFrom, const int _iTo)
float Sin (const float _fRadians)
float Cos (const float _fRadians)
float Tan (const float _fRadians)
float ArcSin (const float _fX)
float ArcCos (const float _fX)
float ArcTan (const float _fX)
float ArcTan (const float _fY, const float _fX)
float Round (const float _fValue)
float RadianToDegree (const float _fRadians)
float DegreeToRadian (const float _fDegree)
float Clamp (const float _fValue, const float _fMin, const float _fMax)
float Pow (const float _fX, const float _fPower)
float Sqrt (const float _fValue)
float Interpolate (const float _fA, const float _fB, const float _fS)
interpolate linearly between _fA and _fB based on the scalar _fS (value between 0 and 1).
float Interpolate (const float _fA, const float _fB, const float _fS, const EInterpolation _Mode, const float _fExponent = 2.0f)
interpolate between values _fA and _fB based on the scalar _fS (value between 0 and 1) using an interpolation mode of your choice.